مواقع وادوات تساعدك في السفر
بعرف منو البلد اللى مسافرة ليها محتاجة فيزا ولا ومتطلباتها
تذاكر الطيران
دول مواقع بتساعدك تقارن بين اسعار شركات الطيران، خُدلك لفه واختار اللي يناسبك!
ارخص طيران للي عاوز يسافر من مصر لأوروبا (الغردقة/ شرم الشيخ) دة غير انه بيديك عروض علي الطيران الداخلي في اوروبا يعني مثلاً ممكن تسافر من لندن لأمستردام ب ٢٠ يورو بس!
دول مواقع بتساعدك تقارن بين اسعار شركات الطيران، خُدلك لفه واختار اللي يناسبك!
ارخص طيران للي عاوز يسافر من مصر لأوروبا (الغردقة/ شرم الشيخ) دة غير انه بيديك عروض علي الطيران الداخلي في اوروبا يعني مثلاً ممكن تسافر من لندن لأمستردام ب ٢٠ يورو بس!
ده موقع تقدر تحجز منو الاوتيل او الطيران الداخلى او تعرف ايه اللى
بيتعمل فى البلد
ده خاص بدول اسيا كلها تقريبا والمدن داخل كل دولة
حجز الاقامة
موقع ممكن تاخر منه شقة او اوضة في شقة في اي مكان واكيد اكيد في حاجات ارخص من
لما بتختار house يعني بتحجز البيت كله ليك
أنت لوحدك
و الدفع بيكون إنه الموقع بيأخد فلوسك يحجزها عنده و بعد ٢٤ ساعة
من أول يوم قضيته في المكان اللي حجزته بيفك الفلوس و يبعتها لصاحب المكان
أه عادي جدا صاحب الشقة يكنسل عليك قبل الميعاد بيومين و يسوحك بس
ده بيعرضه إنه الشقة بتاعته تتشال من السيستم ديه حاجة و فلوسك بترجعلك كاملة حتى
بفلوس السيرفيس اللي الموقع بيأخدها
فشوية نصايح كدة
قبل ما تحجز إقرى الريفيوز كويس جدا و شوف أخر كام ريفيو كانوا من
إمتى عشان مايكونش إخر ريفيو من كذة شهر يبقى كدة صاحب المكان مش مركز و مستبيع
عامة لو حجزت مكان و صاحب المكان مأكدش عليك الحجز بيتلغي في خلال ٢٤ ساعة
دة بقي فندق الشباب “الهوستلز” ارخص سكن ممكن تلاقية دة غير انك هاتتعرف علي ناس وثقافات جديدة
لو عاوز توفر فلوس الاقامة ومعندكش مشكلة تنام في اي مكان وفي نفس الوقت عاوز تتعرف علي ناس جديدة
لو مالكش في “الهوستيلز” وابو بلاش يبقي بوكينج هو الحل!
احياناً فيه عروض وتخفيضات بتنزل علي الفنادق في آخر لحظة، معظمها ها تلاقيها علي الابليكشن دة
دة بقي فندق الشباب “الهوستلز” ارخص سكن ممكن تلاقية دة غير انك هاتتعرف علي ناس وثقافات جديدة
لو عاوز توفر فلوس الاقامة ومعندكش مشكلة تنام في اي مكان وفي نفس الوقت عاوز تتعرف علي ناس جديدة
لو مالكش في “الهوستيلز” وابو بلاش يبقي بوكينج هو الحل!
احياناً فيه عروض وتخفيضات بتنزل علي الفنادق في آخر لحظة، معظمها ها تلاقيها علي الابليكشن دة
ملحوظة مهمة:-
- لو هتحجز اوتيل جوه مصر متحجزش من اى موقع من مواقع الحجز اتصل
مباشرتا بالاوتيل لان المواقع دى بتتعامل بالدولار وبتحول من الدولار
للمصرى فالسعر بيزيد
- كمان لازم اشوف وانا بحجز هل الحجز شامل الضرائب لان بيبقى فيه
ضريبة المدينة وضرائب اخرى والخدمة فى حاجات شاملة الحجز وحاجات لا فلازم اخد بالى
كويس وانا بحجز
لو عاوز توفر فلوس المواصلات وتشوف حد يوصلك في طريقة واهو تسلي طريقك وتتعرف علي حد من اهل البلد اللي انت فيها!
هاتلاقيهم في معظم البلاد وفكك من التاكسي
لو في اوروبا وعاوز تسافر بالقطر!
كبير الطيران الداخلي في اوروبا وملحقاتها
دة بيشرحلك تسافر للمكان اللي انت عاوز تروحة ازاي وتركب اية وبكام وهتاخد وقت قد ايه! حاجة كدة مش طبيعية
لو عاوز توفر فلوس المواصلات وتشوف حد يوصلك في طريقة واهو تسلي طريقك وتتعرف علي حد من اهل البلد اللي انت فيها!
هاتلاقيهم في معظم البلاد وفكك من التاكسي
لو في اوروبا وعاوز تسافر بالقطر!
كبير الطيران الداخلي في اوروبا وملحقاتها
دة بيشرحلك تسافر للمكان اللي انت عاوز تروحة ازاي وتركب اية وبكام وهتاخد وقت قد ايه! حاجة كدة مش طبيعية
المواصلات من المطار الى اقرب مكان
من افضل المواقع اللي ممكن تخطط عليها رحلتك قبل ما تسافر، وافتكر دايماً التخطيط اهم من الرحلة
لو مافيش وقت ومش عارف تخطط رحلتك ممكن تكلم شركات سياحة من البلد اللي انت هاتزورها علي الموقع دة وهما ها يظبطولك كل حاجة!
من افضل المواقع اللي ممكن تخطط عليها رحلتك قبل ما تسافر، وافتكر دايماً التخطيط اهم من الرحلة
لو مافيش وقت ومش عارف تخطط رحلتك ممكن تكلم شركات سياحة من البلد اللي انت هاتزورها علي الموقع دة وهما ها يظبطولك كل حاجة!
شوف انت بتحب تقضي وقتك ازاي في السفر وعاوز تسافر بكام وهو هيعمل الباقي
لو بتحب تذاكر وعاوز تعرف اكتر عن المكان اللي هاتسافرله، هنا هاتلاقي المنهج كله!
لو بتحب الكامبات والسفاري
لو بتحب البحر وعاوز تسافر وتعمل كروزينج في نفس الوقت
هنا بقي ممكن تحجز تذاكر المتاحف والاماكن الترفيهية دة غير انه ممكن تحجز رحلات جوة البلد اللي انت رايحها
برضوا ممكن تأجر عربية وانت مسافر من هنا
لو بتدور علي حفلة او عاوز تقضي وقت حلو وانت مسافر
اختيار وقت السفر مهم جداااااا
ده بيقولك كل شهر فى السنة احسن حتة تروحها فى البلد ايه او متروحش خالص وفيه كمان
احسن اﻻماكن للزيارة
السفارات لكل الدول فى كل الدول عشان اطلع الفيزا and Travel Guide
فيشة الكهرباء المناسبة
الكهرباء والفولت لكل دولة وايه المناسب ليها وانت مسافر تاخده معاك
مقود السيارة
List of left- & right-driving countries
List of left- & right-driving countries
Salary Converter
tour town name
الدولة اللى مسافر ليها ادور على حد يفرجنى البلد دى ببﻻش وممكن اديلوا فلوس بعد
كده او اعمل يحث فى جوجل
لمعرفة القطارات على مستوى العالم تركب من فين لفين وموقع حجز القطار وسعره وكل
تقولوا عاوز اسافر الدولة الفلانيه يقولها تسافر ازاى وتعمل ايه Discover
how to get anywhere by plane, train, bus, ferry and automobile
اسافر من دولة لدولة بالاوتوبيس فى اوروربا
المسافة بين بلدين محافظتين بالكيلو والساعة تاخد وقت قد ايه بالسيارة
الخدمة دى بتبدلك النقط اللى بتاخدها من خطوط الطيران والفنادق
والاماكن السياحية من خلال الـ frequent client programs و loyalty
bonus systems. تاخد منك النقط اللى معاك على
طيران سنغافورة مثلا وتديك بدالها على فنادق سويس-ان! اللى هو لو ماعرفتش توفر فى
تكاليف اول رحلة تسافرها, الموقع ده حايخليك تاخد بحقك حلفا فى الرحلات اللى بعد
ده موقع بيقولى حالة اى مطار ايه فى يوم معين فيه طيارات ايه هتيجى
امتى ومواعيدها ومتاخرة ولا نو
و كمان بيعمل trace للطيارة
نفسها من هنا http://www.flightstats.com/go/FlightTracker/flightTracker.do
shoes & reviews according to your use
السعر التقديري لمشوارك هيتكلف كام, الموقع ده اسمه TaxiFareFinder
موقع إسمه Zabibah الموقع ده عبارة عن دليل كل المطاعم اللي بتقدم أكل حلال في
العالم . قبل ما تسافر إدخل عليه و إعرف كل المطاعم اللي بتقدم أكل حلال في البلد
اللي إنت مسافر ليها , كل اللي عليك إنك تدخل عليه و تكتب إنت فين و عايز تاكل إيه
و هيجيبلك أقرب مطعم بيقدم أكل حلال ليك و بالهنا و الشفا. https://www.zabihah.com
تفاصيل عن اى بلد عاوز تسافرها
مهم جدا حجز الكرسي بالطائرة
فيديو شرح
Seat Pitch المسافة بين الكرسي اللى قدامى والكرسي بتاعى
فيديو شرح
Seat Pitch المسافة بين الكرسي اللى قدامى والكرسي بتاعى
ده موقع بيقولى كل شركة طيران مسموح ليك كام كيلو شنطة carry
on على الطيارة
ملحوظة فى الموقع بالباوند مش بالكيلو فلازم احوله للكيلو
ده موقع بيجيب كل شركة طيران مسموح ليها قد ايه شنطة carry
on وقد ايه شنط عادية وحجمها ايه و لو فى
شنط زيادة هتبقى بكام وكمان Sporting Equipment Policies
لو عاوزة اعرف مكان وتليفونات السفارة بتاعى فى البلد اللى مسافرة
عشان تتأكد ان وكيل الطيران الي بيبيع التذكرة رخيصة كدة
مضمون ولا نصاب، انصحك تدخل على الموقع ده بتكتب اسم الموقع الي عايز تحجز من
عليه، وهيقولك التقييم بتاعه الي اتعمل من مئات وآلاف المستخدمين على الموقع.
The experts:
Not the London Transport card but
“a refreshingly honest booking site that sends its own investigators to review
and rate hotels and take warts-andall photos,” says Mark Hodson. “Its ‘photo
fakeouts’ are a great feature: brochure images laid side-by-side with real
traveller photos. Coverage is not extensive, but it is excellent on big cities
such as Las Vegas, Miami and New York.”
“Attracted by the name back in my
student days, I’ve been a fan ever since,” says Abigail. “The chirpy website
provides five-star deals at three-star prices through its ‘top secret hotel’
deals (you only see the hotel’s name once you’ve agreed to pay.) Its flight and
spa packages are pretty good, too, and in all my years of using it, it’s never
let me down.”
Mr & Mrs Smith
“After a romantic getaway in the
perfect boutique hotel? Then check out Mr & Mrs Smith for inspiration before
you book,” says Abigail. “Nothing whatsoever to do with the Brad and Angelina
film, Mr & Mrs Smith rounds up and road tests the most stylish boutique
hotels they can find. So you know that if you book one of theirs, you’re in for
a treat.”
“It’s hard to describe Gogobot
and do it any justice,” says Abigail King. “It’s ‘Facebook for travel’ but it’s
better than that. You can easily create trip itineraries by browsing through
reviews and then add your own thoughts on your return. But the real gem is the
advice you’ll get from other users when you post a focused question. It took me
a long time to start using it because no one described it well. Don’t make the same
In Your Pocket
“Entertaining and honest (at
times devastatingly so), the In Your Pocket city guides make their rivals seem
tame by comparison,” says Glen Mutel. “More than 100 European cities have been
given the treatment, and all the key content from the print editions has been
collated on this well-organised and userfriendly website. It also includes a
series of YouTube vignettes.”
“I discovered this site while
planning a New York trip, but it covers cities across the USA,” says Pat
Riddell. “You can spend hours ogling the ‘38 essential burgers across the
country’ or, for more localised content, a map of where to eat brunch in
Manhattan as well as endless reviews of restaurants.”
“This is a flight search engine
for people who are flexible on when they fly,” says Mark. “So you can type in a
request such as, ‘London to Los Angeles leaving next week under £800’ and see
what comes up. If the fares are too high, you can set an email alert that will
let you know when the price reaches your budget. It’s intuitive, fun to use and
nicely designed.”
“Skyscanner faithfully pulls in
airfares into an easy-to-search, easy-to-use flight finder and fare comparison
website,” says Abigail. “What sets it apart is the number of ways you can
filter your search results. You can narrow it right down to a preferred
airline, flight duration and departure time or go wild and search for ‘anywhere
in the UK’ to ‘anywhere in France’. It’s an essential part of my travel
The Man in Seat 61
“If you’re fed up with flights
and like the idea of seeing the word through a train carriage window, Mark
Smith (the Man in Seat 61) will lovingly spoonfeed you all the information you
need,” says Glen. “Just click on the relevant country and you’ll be shown how
to reach each of its key cities by rail, plus how to book, how much it’s likely
to cost and even the times of your trains.”
“On a budget? If you’re not too
fussed which airport to fly from or to, tell Skypicker when you want to go, and
for how long, then pick any country in Europe and it’ll give you a list of the
cheapest flights,” says Pat. “There’s no messing around working out which
airports are the best option.”
About London
“Laura Porter, the mastermind
behind this particular branch of the about.com franchise, clearly loves London
and knows her city well,” says Abigail. “She has a knack for seeking out the
unusual as well as providing plenty of practical tips. Although the website
isn’t the prettiest, the information you’ll find is always worthwhile.”
“Covering England, Scotland,
Wales and France, Cool Camping is a painstakingly researched site with a lot of
personality,” says Glen. “Its key selling point is a flexible and refined
search function, which allows you to search by location, comfort level,
specific facilities or local activities – you can even search for campsites
that are near to a beach or a short walk from a pub.”
“A site for travel geeks, Skift
offers everything from the latest Qantas cabin uniforms to infographics, pithy
comments, destination updates as well as breaking news,” says Pat. “If there’s
a travel story, there’s a usually an opinion on it here.”
Rome 2 Rio
“A door-to-door travel search
engine that shows times, prices and even carbon emissions, whether you plan to
fly, drive, take the train, bus or ferry,” says Mark. “For example, it’s a
two-hour flight from Gatwick to Venice, but from my front door to Piazza San
Marco will take six hours 24 minutes, apparently, including a 41-minute ferry
ride to Ospedale, followed by an 18-minute walk. Getting to the Falkland
Islands would take me 31 hours 40 minutes. It’s a fun and addictive site, but
it can be beaten: it couldn’t find a way from my house to the South Pole.”
“There are plenty of newsy travel
websites out there, but I particularly like Gadling’s unpredictable scattergun
approach,” says Glen. “For example, I’ve just given it a quick glance and the
first three stories I saw covered the graffiti of Barcelona, wing-suit diving
and Carnival’s multi-million pound safety programme. It’s the travel equivalent
of an iPod shuffle button.”
“Love it or hate it, TripAdvisor
is the daddy of hotel review websites,” says Mark. “Yes, it can be manipulated
by unscrupulous hoteliers, but it has such a large bank of hotel reviews that
the occasional bad one rarely influences the overall score. And it’s not just
hotels – reviews of restaurants and tourist attractions are generally reliable,
too. Its smartphone app is particularly good too.”
“Kayak and Skyscanner go without
saying,” says Pat. “This new travel-logistics upstart was founded by an MIT
graduate and the co-founder of Reddit. Designed ‘to take the agony out of
travel planning’, Hipmunk shows flight results in a visual ‘timeline’ and hotel
results on a map. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference.”
“Get instant currency conversions
on the web or – better still – on your phone,” says Mark. “Enter the country
you are visiting, then every time you tap in an amount, it will be displayed in
sterling. The site uses mid-market rates, which are not the same as you’ll get
from your bank, but there’s no quicker or easier way to check prices abroad.”
AA Route Planner
“Available to members and
non-members alike, the AA website includes a free route planner that goes
beyond the UK into the rest of Europe,” says Abigail. “It’s perfect for
checking driving times, distances, and other useful tools include lists on what
you’ll need for driving in different countries, from snow chains to fluorescent
“London-centric, obviously, but
with almost endless content about the capital’s entertainment,
nightlife,politics, transport and arts,” says Pat. “Why are there buttons on
Tube train doors? 10 illegal things to do in London, a map of London’s cocktail
bars… You’ll never be ‘tired of London’ with Londonist at your fingertips.”
Secret London
“An ideal accompaniment to Time
Out, this site focuses on those odd little details that give London its charm,”
says Glen. “Spend half an hour here and you’ll soon be able to impress friends
by pointing out abandoned train stations, soliloquising on the different types
of post box, and the pinpointing the exact location of the statue of Dr Samuel
Johnson’s cat, Hodge (it’s in Gough Square, near Fleet Street).”
“Some travel brochures and tour
operator websites have selected climate information, but it can be misleading,”
says Mark. “For detailed climate information about any destination,
Weather2Travel is the place to go. It shows everything from humidity levels to
sea temperatures, for any month of the year, as well as the current conditions
and forecast for the following day.”
Small Luxury Hotels of the World
“The leader in the world of
special escapes, Small Luxury Hotels of the World is exactly as the name
suggests,” says Abigail. “In addition to vetting boutique hotels for you, its
membership scheme provides extra perks such as free upgrades, late check-ins
and sometimes wine on arrival.”
“This is one of those websites
that’s as fun to browse as it is to book with,” says Glen. “With its clever
dossier-style layout, i-escape is a joy to use, whether you’re just looking to
find out more about a destination, or actually planning to try out one of its
eclectic selection of recommended hotels (it tends to favour the quirky over
chain properties).”
“What’s for dinner?
Airlinemeals.net has been going since 2001, but now has more than 25,000 images
of inflight food – from economy to first class, the delectable to the
disgusting, there’s pictures from almost 650 airlines,” says Pat. “Perhaps not
enough to change your mind but certainly, ahem, food for thought.”
“There’s a lot of ski information
on the web, much of it badly written or out-of-date,” says Mark. “WeLove2Ski is
put together by specialist travel writers and is packed with balanced resort
reviews, snow reports and advice on everything from technique to clothing. It’s
the best all-round ski website.”
The Weekenders
“As a rule, I like sites that
assume people have only a vague idea what they’re after,” says Glen. “This
site, which specialises in UK short breaks, is a good example. If you want,
say, a child-friendly break for roughly under £180, somewhere in the south,
type this in and it’ll do your thinking for you. And there are plenty of
creative suggestions on offer – for example, the home page is currently trying
to entice me with a weekend in Broadchurch.”
“It does exactly what it says on
the tin,” says Pat. “What’s the weather in Melbourne next week, if it will rain
in Buenos Aires tomorrow, how hot will it be at 3pm in Cape Town… Accuweather
pretty much ensures you’ll know what to pack and what to wear. Still no
guarantees, of course.”
Hotel Guru
“Hotel search websites can be a
bit overwhelming – it’s easy to get lost among the thousands of suggestions,”
says Glen. “Hotel Guru cuts through all of this by cherry-picking what it
considers to be the best on offer. I particularly like random ‘ideas to inspire
you’ countdowns (e.g. top 10 chic London hotels, or cheap and charming Parisian
dives). If times were better, they’d be just the things to encourage an impulse
buy or two.”
“You might already use Dropbox
for backing up files and using across different devices – desktop, mobile,
tablet, etc. – but it’s also a great photo-sharing platform without any of the
gimmicks of the wannabe social sites,” says Pat. “Create a folder of photos and
simply send a link to share with friends; no downloads, no log-ins, just view.”
“Most travel writers have their
own blog site these days and there’s a huge spectrum of quality,” says Glen.
“But 501 Places (a blog on Palau nset), by Andy Jarosz, is one of my
favourites. If you play around with it for five minutes, I guarantee you’ll
find something you want to read.”
CDC Travel Health
“This is THE website my doctor
friends swear by when it comes to getting trustworthy travel health advice,”
says Abigail. “Of course, you should always consult your own healthcare
professional, but this website can give you a crucial heads-up when it comes to
working out what vaccines you’ll need. It also provides the latest news on
travel health updates country by country and region by region. Essential reading.”
“If you’d rather not fly –
whether you hate the experience or worry about your carbon footprint – Green
Traveller is packed with holiday ideas,” says Mark. “There’s everything from
yurt camps in the south of France to ski touring in Scotland, all of which you can
reach by train, coach or ferry. The site is well-designed and written by expert
“On yer bike! Cycling charity
Sustrans has a national cycle network spanning 14,000 miles of walking and
cycling routes,” says Pat. “Just enter a postcode or a route and its map
delivers all your available options.”
Context Travel
“An afternoon with Context will
change your impression of guided tours forever,” says Abigail. “Context recruits
academics who are passionate about their subject and who live in the area
they’re working in. Thus, you’ll find experts on the Cold War in Berlin and
architectural experts tracking down Roman remains in central London. In-depth,
informed and interesting, these walking tours are simply outstanding.”
The Festival Calendar
“With the huge number of spring,
summer and autumn festivals currently running in the UK and Europe, it’s quite
handy to be able to see, at a glance, what’s on offer,” says Glen. “This site
has a good level of detail, particularly handy for smaller festivals, many of
which have near useless websites of their own.”
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office Travel Advice Guide
“While it may not be the most
exciting recommendation, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website still
earns a place on my essential travel checklist,” says Abigail. “Problems abroad
change fast and it’s always good to have reliable advice on what you’re dealing
with. In addition to the latest security alerts and some travel health advice,
you’ll find useful tips on what you can pack in your hand luggage plus the
necessary emergency information should the worst occur while you’re away.”
Hostel World
“I love hostels, but the quality
can vary wildly,” says Glen. “Hostel World runs the rule over an enormous
selection of properties covering almost every city you could ever want to
visit. It’s simple to use and easy to understand, with a great level of detail
– and it makes it wonderfully easy to avoid the fleapits.”
“Rather than rely on an outdated
guidebook, Spotted By Locals allows you to get tips from insiders,” says Mark.
“Locals in 40 European cities blog about their favourite restaurants, bars,
shops and festivals – it’s like having a friend show you the best spots. You
can buy a PDF guide to each city or download the free smartphone app.”
The Bald Hiker
“An impressively comprehensive
blog from travel writer Paul Steele, who seems to have roped in a legion of
chums to help him cover as much of the world as possible,” says Glen. “A good
spread of destinations, angles and styles make it an easy site to lose yourself
The Grumpy Traveller
“Travel writer David Whitley’s
online magazine has been growing steadily since he relaunched last summer,”
says Pat. “It’s not always grumpy and it’s not even always travel, but his
prolific output means there’s always something worth reading, whether it’s a
guide to Edinburgh or a rant about journalists on Twitter.”
The Everywhereist
“Seattle-based writer Geraldine
follows her husband around the world as he travels for work, blogging as she
goes,” says Abigail. “That alone doesn’t make her site stand apart but her
acidic observations and slicing sense of humour do. If you’re looking for
entertainment, a dash of history and the occasional truly poignant moment, then
tune into the Everywhereist.”
“This is a surprisingly useful
site that does far more than merely catalogue National Trust properties,” says
Glen. “It’s basically a planning kit for days out in the UK, with itineraries,
a ‘what’s on’ guide and a very handy activities section covering walking,
cycling, running, camping and horse riding.”
This independent guide to
southeast Asia is well-written, packed with hard-earned information,
opinionated and up-to-date,” says Mark. “Along with an authored guide, it
contains user reviews, forums, blogs and general advice, mainly aimed at budget
travellers. Arguably better than the big-name publishers.”
I Fly
“Covering practically every
airport in the world, iFly.com isn’t the most exciting-looking website around,”
says Pat. “But it makes up for this in invaluable information with terminal
maps, airports, ‘layover ideas’ – essentially all you need to know about that
obscure, or not-so-obscure, airport you might find yourself in.”
Travellers Point
“One of the world’s largest
travel community sites, Travellers Point features 30,000 blogs and more than
1.4 million photos,” says Mark. “It has active forums where you can ask just
about anything, plus a neat travel planning widget. Starting up your own blog
takes seconds.”
Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum
“Barely a question goes
unanswered here, from snapping up a last-minute visa to Burma/Myanmar from
inside central Vietnam to crossing between Bulgaria and Serbia when the trains
are on strike,” says Abigail. “Stuck with a thorny travel problem? Check out
the archives on Thorn Tree or post a question there yourself.”
“This sister brand to TripAdvisor
automatically rebooks you at the lower rate if your hotel drops its price – and
then refunds the difference,” says Pat. “It’s not a unique proposition but
could begin to challenge the way online hotel booking operates.”
“The idea behind Airbnb is
simple: rather than stay at a hotel, you can rent somebody’s spare room,” says
Mark. “Since it launched in 2008, it has become a global phenomenon, with more
than 300,000 listings in 192 countries. Not just spare rooms, but apartments,
family houses, villas, treehouses, you name it. The site is simple and easy to
use, with lots of photographs, user reviews and star ratings.”
Environmental Graffiti
“A wonderfully eclectic
collection of bizarre images and topical oddities, all gathered together under
the fairly loose banner of environmental news,” says Glen. “Lots of interesting
snippets, from pieces on ‘the phenomenon of whistled languages’ to pictures of
‘the lake that drowned a thriving tourist village’.”
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